After Manhattan Indictment, Trump's NFT Trading Cards See Sharp Rise in Value – Here's Why

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According to NFT data  

aggregator NFTPriceFloor, the floor price of Trump's NFTs currently sets at 0.499 ETH, or over $900 at current rates.

The NFT collection has also seen a surge in trading volume. On March 31, one day after the former president was indicted, the trading volume of his digital cards spiked to 87 ETH (around $160,000), compared to 34 ETH the earlier day.

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White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Trump's NFTs had an average sale of 0.4555 ETH, or roughly $800 — down by more than 16% in the last 24 hour

The NFT collection features a series of digital "cards" depicting Trump in various iconic poses and situations, which include Trump as a muscle-bound wrestling champion, Trump holding a basketball, and even Trump in space.  

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